Lay Leadership is key to Congregational churches—the people of God, open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. We have an active, prayerful leadership team that helps our fellowship respond to God's guidance and meet people's needs in our ever-changing world.
The lay leadership at First Congregational Church consists of the following individuals, check with the church office if you need assistance with contact information: Moderator: Glenda LeHoux 1st Associate Moderator: Karyl Bennion 2nd Associate Moderator: Cissy Wolff Treasurer: Mike McIntire Financial Secretary: Mike McIntire Church Clerk: Ken Rockwell Historian: Marge Kimes Board of Trustees: Phil Lehoux Board of Deacons: Carla McIntire Outreach Board: Becky Bishop Parish Nurses: Diane Forster-Burke, Marge Kimes, Lynne Calame Garden of Grace: Scott & Jeanne Hansen Caring Ministry Team: Glenda LeHoux, Diane Forster-Burke, Cynthia Gray, Devon Bettolo, Becky Bishop, Carla McIntire, Nancy Strader, Bill Brown, Wendy Haupt Hospitality Coordinator: Outreach Board