Parish Nursing and Health Ministry is a church-based ministry which cares for the whole person—body, mind and spirit. This ministry arises from the needs of the church community and is realized through the talents of registered nurses and other health professionals or lay leaders who combine health science with pastoral care. While each church community’s program is unique, all programs provide for wellness, health and healing as well as access to community health resources. Parish nurses often provide services such as: blood pressure monitoring services and health counseling, and home, hospital, or nursing home visits to members, as requested by the Pastor, a member’s family, or other persons. They may also identify the need for educational programs and support or volunteer groups, based on the interests and needs of the church. They also initiate, lead, and participate in health-related programs that assist members in achieving wholeness of body, mind, and spirit; and they participate in personal spiritual formation opportunities and provide spiritual support to members as needed. First Congregational Church is fortunate to have three registered nurses who coordinate our Parish Nursing services. (Parish nursing services will NOT duplicate professional nursing services provided by other health care agencies. The American Nurses Association recognizes Parish Nursing as a specialty and parishioners follow the Scope and Standard of Practice for Parish Nursing.)
1710 S FOOTHILL DRIVE | SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84108 | 801-487-1357 | [email protected]