(The Men's breakfast is held the first Wednesday of each month, at 8 AM! This is a great time to socialize, have a bite to eat, or just share a cup of coffee. Someone in the church office will be able to assist you if you'd like additional information.) Men’s Breakfast Feeds the Soul The first Wednesday of the month at 8 AM, @Sharon’s Café in Holladay – Are you hungry yet? Like to meet some cool people who will make you laugh? Come have breakfast with a bunch of guys finding their way in the world. Conversations are always good and the food is always tasty. Not all are members of the church, but all of us are trying to live lives marked by grace. If you would like more information, talk with Pastor Doug or other guys from this motley crew. (Sharon's Cafe is located at 2263 E Murray Holladay Road, which is approximately 4700 South.)
1710 S FOOTHILL DRIVE | SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84108 | 801-487-1357 | [email protected]